Re: IP Spoofing and Vendors' attitude

Oliver Friedrichs (iceman@MBnet.MB.CA)
Wed, 25 Jan 1995 22:21:39 -0600 (CST)

On Wed, 25 Jan 1995, Christopher Klaus wrote:

> the problem and saying the problem could be corrected by firewalls, they
> didn't feel a need to release a patch.  They also told me that IP Spoofing
> only made your network slightly vulnerable.  (I am not sure what could
> make your network more vulnerable, Posting every confidental file and password
> from your systems to Usenet?)  

As has happened on this list in the past, I'm sure the vendors in 
question would rather have their network code posted to this list, so 
the public at large can fix problems that the vendor in question won't.

Somewhat of a one-sided view.

- Oliver